Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Splish Splash!

Oh my heck, bath time with the cousins is so much fun!

While we were down south visiting Harmony Urban chased Kota (cowboy) and Canyon around like he was as big as them!

This was the only thing that he could do with them that he wouldn't get left behind. So as you can tell, he took total advantage of it!

Because he was trying so hard to keep up with the kids, he also learned to walk. He was so determined to keep up but it just didn't work. By the time we went home however, I had a pretty confident walker on my hands!

Hike Number 3....

So to continue our journey on hiking this hike we went up the North Ogden Divide. They are fixing the road and making it wider on each side so we decided to see the progress.

We couldn't really tell what they had done but there where a lot of big machines everywhere so it

looked like they were getting a lot done and staying busy. It was so pretty up there. It made me realize that when I drive around I never stop to look at how pretty of a place we live in. That is one reason why I have really loved taking these hikes. These mountains are so HUGE that I don't realize until I'm up in them. I love how they make me feel so small!

Here is the crew that hiked. (And Laura who is taking the picture) We Rock!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

North Shore swimming!

Urbans first experience swimming was a hit! He had so much fun and was like a fish in water!

He loved all the craziness of the people and the water.

Hudson, Holden, Oakley, Baylee and the rest of the gang came and he had so much fun with them. They are so sweet to him.

And we were lucky enough to hang out with Charidee and McKenlee for the day. It was so fun to see and hang out with them. One of these days we'll make a road trip down to Vegas to see them!

First Official Father's Day!


Urban is so excited it's Father's day! His face says it all! But really Adam has taken on the dad role so awesome! He does everything for Urban and is the best example! I knew he was cool but I didn't realize he was so cool! I am so glad that I married such an awesome guy! He has never once complained about changing a dirty diaper or getting up in the middle of the night. He is always willing to take over so I can have some "me" time. Urban loves him so much, his first word was "dad". Adam can't ever work from home because Urban climbs all over him and wants Adam to play with him. So Adam never gets any work done. But he is the greatest. So HAPPY FATHER'S DAY ADAM!!

Where's Urban?

So Urban is going through a phase, or I hope it's a phase. But he hates diapers. Anything to do with them. It is seriously a fight to put them on. So after he has a bath or I change it, I let him run around naked for a minute so I can gather some strength for the fight that is about to take place. So this was during one of those minutes. He loves the fridge, even though it's cold, he loves going through it! If we let him, he would play in it all day! So I took a picture so when he's older I can blackmail him!

Hike Number 2...

So Adam decided that we need to take advantage of where we live. There are 36 hikes just in Ogden. So since we love hikes we decided this summer we would try to hike as many as possible!
The first one we hiked was Indian trail. It was so pretty and it made me realize how huge the mountains really are. So the second one we hiked was Snowbasin. On our way we ran into a road block. Since it has been so rainy and wet, this is what it did to the road.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lagoon Time

Urban and Emma on his first ride. The Whale ride was great. He was totally into it and didn't want to get off. One thing about Urban that worries me is that he isn't scared of anything.

He had so much fun on the boat. Emma was so cute to go with him. His favorite part was the bell. As soon as he found it, he couldn't stop ringing it!

Here we all our on the train! Kaitlin, Rachel and emma's friend. Then Laura, me, Urban and Emma. We are such a fun group! It was perfect weather, which made it nice since we stayed the whole day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yay! We made it! We have had so much fun the last 5 years! It was the best decision of my life! I am so lucky to have married my best friend and the freaking funnest and most adventurous guy around! Not to mention he is so HOT! He is so awesome that he makes me want to be awesome! He is such a good guy that just by being him he makes me want to do better and become a better person!
We went to a cute little restaurant for dinner and while we were there Adam hit his funny bone on the chair....hence the picture. It hurt/tickled so bad that he wanted to make sure he could remember that moment. It was very awesome!

After dinner we went bowling for the first time in our whole dating/marriage life. I must say that bowling is a very flirty date! We had a ton of fun and I almost won, but then I decided I should let Adam win to help his confidence. So I did. That's what makes a good marriage!

and I thought the shoes were super cool so...nothing like bowling shoes to complete an outfit!

Let the green grass grOW!

Urban is in love with eating grass and dirt. That is what he is eating in this pic! He is so funny to watch. He is also waiting for Grandpa to take him for a ride on the mower.

Urban and Grandpa Schenck mowing the lawn. This was his first experience on a lawn mower. He looked at me like I was putting him on a roller coaster ride. He wasn't too excited about it, but then after a while he started to get the hang of it!


Ok so i'm still playing catch up with getting everything on the blog. So just want to say CONGRATULATIONS TREASURE! She is officially a High School Grad! She is so awesome and is going to do great things and even though it was questionable if she was going to make it, but she did and we are so HAPPY!Here is The fan club enjoying the graduation program!

Urbans Face

Urban has so many different faces! I LOVE them all but this is my favorite little smile he makes. He does it right before he is about to do something messy! How can you not fall in love with him! (and his hair)